Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Eastern Holiday

Image result for Fasika - Easter
Easter is commended following a 55 day time of fasting (Hudade or Abye Tsome). Standard Christians don't eat meat or dairy items for the whole 55 days. Veggie lover suppers, for example, lentils, ground split peas, grains, natural product, and assortments of vegetable stew joined by injera and additionally bread are all that is eaten duirng nowadays. The principal dinner of the day is taken after 3 PM amid the fasting days, with the exception of Saturdays and Sundays, where a supper is permitted after the morning administration.

On Easter eve individuals go to chapel and celebrate with candles which are lit amid a bright Easter mass administration which starts at around 6 PM and finishes at around 2 AM. Like alternate celebrations, Easter is beautifully celebrated at Axum and Lalibela. Everybody goes home to break the quick with chicken or sheep, butchered the earlier night after 6:00 pm. Like Christmas, Easter is likewise a day of family get-together and a statement of good wishes with the trading of presents (i.e. sheep, goat or piece of bread).

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