Sunday, October 30, 2016

Legends Of Lalibela Part 3

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In the nave the poles, capitals and corbels of the sections and pilasters and also the curves are cut in bas-alleviation some of them painted. There is an incredible assortment of crosses.

Artworks legitimate can be found on the spandrels, the string-courses over the curves, the zone of friezes of the visually impaired windows and the barrel vault.

Wagered Maskal

The sanctuary of Wager Maskal(The Place Of The Cross) has been unearthed in a lump in the northern mass of the Wager Maryam yard. It is a wide display of 11 m. length and 3.4 m. width. A line of four columns isolates the space into two paths spread over by arcades. The entryways indicate impersonation of monkey-head structure. Light emissions avoid downwards into the church from two windows, one of them having a swastika outline through which is penetrated a Greek cross, while the haven window opening has a Maltese cross theme. A frieze of curves between two anticipating even courses completes the veneer on top.

Wagered Danaghel

Wagered Danaghel (The Place Of The Virgins Or Saints). Sticking out at the south of the Wager Maryam patio is the little church of Wager Danaghel (8.6 m. length and 3.6 m. tallness). This small sanctuary is associated with a standout amongst the most entrancing legends of Lalibela. Ministers will let you know that the house of prayer was built out of appreciation for ladies martyred under Julian. The commemoration day of the ladies is the tenth of Hedar (November) in the Ethiopian timetable.

Found simply outside the southern mass of the patio legitimate is the twentieth century remembrance to Ras Kassa Darge. Ras Kassa was the legislative head of focal and northwestern Ethiopia, before the Italian occupation. He passed on in 1956.

Wagered Debre Sina and Wager Golgota with the Selassie Sanctuary and the Tomb of Adam

This is the most baffling complex in Lalibela, lodging its holiest sanctuary, the Selassie House of prayer, and as per the whispers of the clerics - maybe even the tomb of Lord Lalibela himself. While the old access to this gathering was presumably from the west, passing the emptied square of the Tomb of Adam, the yard is presently entered from the south, being associated by the trench prompting to the Wager Maryam places of worship. A side entryway prompts to the principal church, Wager Debre Sina or Wager Mika'el.

Wagered Debre Sina

Wagered Debre Sina(House Of Mt. Sinai) shows an appropriate east-west introduction and has a raised chancel. The blessed of holies is in the east. In this way, we may expect that it has dependably been an autonomous and separate church. It is a semi-solid creation measuring 9.5 X 8.5 m. what's more, laying on a lofty plinth 3 m in tallness. On three sides it is presented by unearthing to a trench, the northern side prompting to Wager Golgota.


The outside dividers are smooth, with two lines of windows. In the base line of the south exterior there are window openings fit as a fiddle of key-gaps.


The inside is basic and serious in climate. It is isolated by columns into a nave and two paths with five straights each. Round curves interface the columns and pilasters in the dividers. Cruciform in segment, the columns bolster round curves; their pseudo-capitals are adorned with Greek crosses in alleviation, which are likewise found on the visually impaired curves and on the roof.

Wagered Golgota

Leaving Wager Debre Sina you enter its northern twin church, Wager Golgota (The Place Of Golgotha). Wagered Golgota speaks to the kind of uncovered church with one worked veneer (the west face).


The exterior is smooth and insufficiently embellished. Piercings are useful, furnishing the congregation with light and air. A couple projecting shafts outline the highest windows, while the lower ones, half circle and cruciform fit as a fiddle show a couple of moldings as it were

However there are two agreeably planned window openings in the southern divider which offer light to two sanctuaries, the one on the left to the "lyasus-Cell" (Cell of Jesus) of Wager GoIgota; the right-hand one to the Selassie Church.


Entering the congregation appropriate you will find that it is separated into two "naves" by three cruciform columns that show no improvement separated from the typical corbels. Straightened curves associate the columns with the relating pilasters at the divider.

The "Iyasus-Cell" at the east end of the right-hand nave and the "tomb of Christ", a curved break in the upper east corner of the congregation, include a quality of holiness. The congregation with the name of Golgota is devoted to the enthusiasm and Passing of the Guardian angel.

The congregation, basic in its engineering, houses, be that as it may, the absolute most amazing bits of early Christian Ethiopian workmanship: metaphorical diminishes, uncommon somewhere else in Ethiopia. The "tomb of Christ" shows behind a fashioned iron grille a supine figure in high-alleviation with a heavenly attendant in low-help over its head. The figures of seven holy people, for the most part overwhelming, embellish angled specialties in the dividers.

The Selassie House of prayer

From Wager Golgota an entryway at the east end of the right-hand nave next of the one prompting to the "Iyasus-Cell" opens on to the Selassie House of prayer - the place of most prominent sacredness in Lalibela.

A blind covering 66% of the divider will offer you just a look inside the place of worship. The ribs enriching the roof fit as a fiddle of a cross may likewise be perceivable. This blessed place is once in a while open even to the ministers themselves, and not very many guests have been allowed to enter it.

The sanctum is totally detained in the stone. A solitary column bolsters the rooftop with its barrel-vault in the back segment and level curve over the stage with the three solid sacrificial stones. This column, which has no base, ascents up more than five meters to the pinnacle of the vault.

The Tomb of Adam

Amazing in its effortlessness, a gigantic square piece of stone stands in a profound trench before the western face of Wager Golgota. This is the Tomb of Adam. The shut has been burrowed out, the ground floor serving as the western access to the main gathering of places of worship. The upper floor houses a recluse's cell. Again it is a cross that is the main embellishment of this "tomb ". The huge opening in the eastern divider gives light to the cell and has the state of a symphonious croix pattee with level pitched finials.

The Second Gathering of Temples

This second gathering contains from east to west, the houses of worship and asylums of Wager Emanuel, Wager Mercurios, Wager Abba Libanos, the Church of Wager Lehem and Wager Gabriel-Rufa'el.

Drawing nearer the town of Roha-Lalibela from the south, you will see, south of the stream Jordan, a bastion of red tuff separated from the stone level in the north, east and south by a wide fake external trench, eleven meters profound. Another profound focal trench cuts this region into two sections, leaving at its end a cone-molded slope. An old passageway drove from this focal trench to the havens for the most part by method for slender underground entries. The 'First capacity of this complex of houses of worship has not yet been cleared up. Two of them were positively arranged all things considered, Wager Emanuel and Wager Abba Libanos. They have an appropriate church arrange and are situated toward the east.

Wagered Emanuel

Workmanship students of history consider Wager Emanuel to be the finest and most amazing church in Lalibela. Taken a gander at from over, its compelling, level pitched rooftop can be seen flickering from the stone support that houses the congregation. It is the main genuine solid structure of this gathering, painstakingly designed from a piece 18 X 12 X 12 m. The congregation offers a practically exemplary case of Axumite style notwithstanding the way that the floor and side arrangements take after the genuine basilica design with an appropriate east-west introduction.


Entering the patio you will see this captivating church on its ventured stage sparkling in the splendid red shade of the Lalibela tuff. The impersonation of Axumite wood and stone development is striking, its dividers worked in flat and vertical groups, on the other hand recessed and anticipating. At the three doorways, before which the ventured stage extends into arrivals, the congregation has a structure of distending bars; honest to goodness monkey-heads are absent. There are three columns of windows, the base and top ones having outlines with corner posts. The base windows are penetrated fit as a fiddle of straight Greek crosses; those in the top column have no fillings.


Inside you will locate the genuine basilica arrange: walkways and a forceful vaulted nave. However Axumite style is here once more: the in-dentations in the outside dividers, in which every one of the entryways and windows are put, mirror the inner division, as do the moldings, the quantity of passageways and narrows, the position of the displays and the tallness of the vault. In the lobby there are four finished and four three-sided columns. A stone staircase leads from a side room by the principle access to a second story, here little shake loads encompass the lobby. The striking inside component is the twofold frieze of visually impaired windows in the vaulted nave, the lower frieze being absolutely fancy, the upper one comprising of windows rotating with designed territories. In the stone floor of the southern path a gap opens into a long, underground passage prompting to neighboring Wager Mercurios.

Chambers and holes for sacrosanct honey bees in the external mass of the yard are indication of the honey bees that forecasted authority to Lalibela. A portion of the chambers, nonetheless, are the graves of ministers and explorers who needed to be covered in the "heavenly city. In this external divider two further underground sections have been found prompting to Wager Mercurios.

Wagered Mercurios

The congregation is neither orientated nor expectedly arranged. The part serving today as a congregation involves the eastern end of an underground lobby which opens to a patio. The inside gives off an impression of being drained of design in spite of the fact that there is a fine wall painting on the lower dish of a column, delineating six lords or holy people in imperial attire, grasping wonderfully molded hand-crosses, reminiscent generally Gondarene processional crosses.

Rich sketches once enhanced the congregation yet for protection they have been expelled and are presently to be found in the National Dream

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